USA Residents
A pro-life, pro-family commercial sponsored by the advocacy group Focus on the Family will air during the Super Bowl. It features a Heisman Trophy winner, Florida Gators Quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother. Do you agree or disagree with the decision by CBS to air this commmercial during the Super Bowl?
Agree Disagree Unsure
Row % Row % Row %
USA Residents 60% 30% 10%
Registered Voters 60% 31% 9%
Party ID Democrat 55% 38% 7%
Republican 71% 21% 8%
Independent 58% 31% 10%
Ideology Liberal 53% 38% 9%
Moderate 54% 37% 9%
Conservative 72% 22% 6%
Region Northeast 59% 30% 11%
Midwest 60% 27% 13%
South 63% 30% 7%
West 57% 33% 10%
Household Income Less than $50,000 65% 26% 10%
$50,000 or more 57% 36% 7%
Education Not college graduate 60% 29% 10%
College graduate 61% 31% 8%
Age 18 to 29 77% 19% 4%
30 to 44 63% 28% 9%
45 to 59 58% 32% 10%
60 or older 51% 37% 12%
Gender Men 61% 30% 9%
Women 60% 30% 10%
February 2010 Marist Poll National Residents "N=1072 MOE +/- 3%" Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.